SoCal Grantmakers Branding & Website
SoCal Grantmakers
Southern California Grantmakers is a community of philanthropists and grantmakers working to make a difference in communities and around the world. Its members include family, private, public, independent, community, and corporate foundations, along with corporate giving programs, individuals, and government agencies.
We developed a comprehensive branding suite for the philanthropy membership-based organization, encompassing various brand elements including a distinctive logo, extensive color palette, typography, and graphic patterns. The meticulously crafted graphic patterns, color scheme, and typography system we developed provide the organization with a cohesive visual identity, strengthening their brand presence both internally and externally.
For the website, we developed a new website architecture that simplifies the information-rich site into a single-layer navigation which creates better accessibility for all target users. We also deliberately avoids the use of uninspired photography and rely on branded graphics, clear information hierarchy and strong color palette to evoke a sense of freshness and energy.
KUDOS Design Collaboratory
John Kudos
Creative Director -
Ashley Wu
Designer -
Arif Widipratomo
Web Developer -
Faris Han
Web Developer -
Robi Dafit
Project Manager