Frock Magazine

Eli Schmidt

Visibility matters—and the desire to see ourselves represented without censorship is what keeps our language and lineage clear, pure, and authentic. This unselfconscious attitude is the unifying attribute shared by all of the artists, personalities, and performers represented in Frock, a magazine launched by photographer and publisher Eli Schmidt in 2019 as a source for queer photo stories, interviews, performance, and erotic films.

Our publication design drew upon the language of artist journals, homoerotic photography, and independent zine culture to create a platform for celebrating authentic queer joy. We worked closely with Schmidt to experiment with pairings of typography and photography that embody uninhibited concepts and emotions—the kink in the straight line.

KUDOS Design Collaboratory

  • John Kudos
    Creative Director
  • Amanda Knott
    Project Manager
  • Fay Qiu
    Lead Designer